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युवाओं के भविष्य को अंधकार में डाल रही मोदी सरकार, हरियाणा-पंजाब में रोजगार की स्थिति बद से बदतर- अनुपम


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Declining Indian Economy: Facing A Tough Time

The recent annual financial stability report released by the RBI on the 27th of December 2019 shows that there’s a structural slowdown in India. The report says that the situation is disturbing. The   IMF   has guided India to take immediate action to revive the economy. Dr. Arvind Subramaniam( Cheif Economic Adviser) and Mr. Josh Felman observed that the economy seems headed for an intensive care unit. How bad is the situation In 1991-92, the Indian economy was facing its worst time ever. The industry growth was -9% and the   GDP   was growing at just 1.1%. Comparing the current situation, the industry growth is -10% and the GDP growth is 4.5%. But, looking at the past data, this growth rate is also under question.  There’s a question mark on GDP figures. It can never be 4.5% as the conditions are similar to 1991-92.  The 2017-18 reports show that the consumer goods production growth rate was 5% and at present it’s -1%. India’s exports were 9% in 2017-18 and today they are

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"Shadow Pandemic": Predator and Prey

    "Shadow Pandemic": How Gender-based violence increased during Lockdown? Not safe in the womb, not safe in the house, not safe in the streets, not safe in the dark, not safe in the light, not safe in suits, not safe in shorts, not safe in burquas, not safe anywhere, or let us say 'NOT SAFE AMONG MEN'. If we talk about women, she may have realized that she is not safe in the public only until her husband, father, brother, uncle, son, or let us say "men", made her realize that her own house wasn't safe either.   Gender-based violence   is a hidden consequence. It has appeared as a harsh reality when survival becomes the question. The lockdown which was imposed in March, to curb COVID 19 infections, lead to great challenges, mainly faced by women and children. Women individuals suffering violence at home feared unsafe to live because of selfish humans. On one hand, where people were suffering to struggle for their basic needs like food and s